
Showing posts from June, 2015

TpT Sellers Challenge Week 2: Dream Big!!

Hey y'all!! I am so behind this week, as I was busy with VBS and visiting my parents! Plus, I'm still in the middle of graduate school so I'm just now getting to post! I thought I'd better hurry up before the next challenge was announced. ;) This week we were challenged to dream big, and share what we wanted our TpT store to accomplish. I'm not gonna lie, this challenge was a bit scary for me. I don't like to put my personal goals out there. I almost didn't. But, then I read some of the most amazing stories, and personal goals of the other teachers, and I thought if they can do can I. So, thank you all for pushing me out of my comfort zone a bit. :) I'm linking up with Emily at Third in Hollywood , Teach Create Motivate, Peppy Zesty Teacherista ,and Sparkling in Second. :) 1. This one probably resonates with most of you too. :) We have various forms of debt, mostly student loans, and it would be so nice to only have to worry about our d...

Work It Wednesday!

Hey hey! I'm here linking up with Katie King at Queen of the First Grade Jungle for Work It Wednesday! I'm just all about the linky's this summer. ;) I've been following Katie for a little over a year, and I actually found her through one of her fitness hashtags on Instagram, and THEN realized that she taught 2nd grade! :) I was so inspired by her fitness journey, but I never got around to get really serious about my own. Ever since I've had my kids I've felt so guilty taking time out to take care of myself. Like ridiculously guilty. I suffered from postpartum depression after both of my kids. I didn't even realize what it was until it was over. But I used to think "Why would I spend an hour working out when I could spend that hour cleaning, or holding my baby, or...." The excuses would go on and on, and so did the weight gain.  Last year I realized I wasn't as good as I could be, as I needed to be. I wasn't all that happy, and quite fr...

TPT Seller Challenge!!

Hey guys! I am participating in the TpT seller challenge over the next 4 weeks, and I finally had time to sit down and complete my first challenge!! We were suppose to pick one product in our store, and give it a face lift. I totally knew I was going to grab the first product I ever made, (and my all time best seller!) and change the cover page. Boy, was it ugly!! :) I just had no idea what colors/papers to use or how to position clip art for a cover page. So here is my before and after!! BEFORE: Things I didn't like:  Too much white space                                               Random placement of clipart                                                       Not the best background or border     ...

Monday Made It!

Hey guys! I'm back again!! Can y'all believe it, because I barely can ;). I'm linking up with T ara from 4th grade frolics for Monday Made It! Today has NOT gone as planned, and it was a busy day anyway so I'm a little late to the party, but I'm here. My made it this week is not original at all, but since I'm switching grades and have fewer subject areas I needed these. I made myself some READ letters! I will be teaching literacy, and social studies next year so I thought I would integrate the two into my decor some.   I started with some basic letters from Wal-Mart. They were $1.97 each. I already had the acrylic paint, glue, and I was given a map of Georgia from my father-in-law. I didn't realize I was out of Modge Podge so I'm going to have to go to the store tomorrow and finish these up! :)  First I squirted some turquoise acrylic paint onto the back of the letter. This step isn't really necessary I guess, but it will make your e...

Summer Bucket List Linky!!

Hey y'all!! I have officially been on summer break for 1 week, and it has been a fun one! I thought I'd join Natalie at What the Teacher Wants , and share my summer bucket list! School: So, I have quite a long list for school this summer. My first thing to do is redecorate my classroom next year. I am moving from kindergarten to 4th and 5th grade literacy and social studies. It is a HUGE change, but one I am excited for! However, I don't think my 4th and 5th graders will really appreciate my current decor, and I had to move rooms too so what better reason for a classroom overhaul!!  Pacing guides will be next on my list, and I have actually already started them. The teacher before didn't use pacing guides??? And my principal only had one based on TLI....which we don't do....SOOOO.... I will be working these up for myself next year along with, of course, my scope and sequence. I'm excited to start making TpT products for upper elementary, and ...

Teach Inspired

Teach inspired. That is my mantra for the new year. I hit kinda a valley if you will last year. I just felt, for lack of a better term, uninspired . I needed inspiration, I needed to fill my own teacher cup. It can sometimes be hard where I work to feel full all the time. I guess you could say that for every teacher everywhere at some point, but it was true for me last year. I work at a school that has one teacher per grade level. Collaboration, even though it can and should be, is not our building's forte. Teachers tend to keep to themselves and since we don't have a team to bounce off of weekly, or even daily it's hard to get that inspiration you need during those hard days, weeks, and let's face it...months. And then a group of teacher bloggers,( I follow most of them and they have truly kept me going with some of their blog posts,) went to the Ron Clark Academy. And, their posts about their trip truly inspired me. I had heard of Ron Clark before, but that was abou...

June Currently

I love this linky, and I seem to really love it in the summer! Ha! It's such a fun way to get to know other teachers. So without further adieu here's mine! * Every single blessed person, and animal is snoozing. Except my cat. And me. I can't sleep because kindergarten graduation is tomorrow so I thought I would get some work done! :) I am so proud of these kiddos, and I am going to miss them terribly.  * I am still in school. STILL!!! The snow really got us this year, and we are not used to this much snow and ice living in the south and all. So needless to say, I have been so jealous of all the teachers I see on summer break already, but it's only 3 more days!! :) * Even though I am so ready for a break I can't help but think about all the work that lies ahead of me. I am changing grade levels next year, and while I'm excited I'm also feeling the need to get busy so I'm not drowning the first few weeks of school.  * Yeah...but firs...