TpT Sellers Challenge Week 2: Dream Big!!
Hey y'all!! I am so behind this week, as I was busy with VBS and visiting my parents! Plus, I'm still in the middle of graduate school so I'm just now getting to post! I thought I'd better hurry up before the next challenge was announced. ;) This week we were challenged to dream big, and share what we wanted our TpT store to accomplish. I'm not gonna lie, this challenge was a bit scary for me. I don't like to put my personal goals out there. I almost didn't. But, then I read some of the most amazing stories, and personal goals of the other teachers, and I thought if they can do can I. So, thank you all for pushing me out of my comfort zone a bit. :) I'm linking up with Emily at Third in Hollywood , Teach Create Motivate, Peppy Zesty Teacherista ,and Sparkling in Second. :) 1. This one probably resonates with most of you too. :) We have various forms of debt, mostly student loans, and it would be so nice to only have to worry about our d...