I have so been looking forwards to getting this blog going this year. I have so many pictures and things from the beginning of the year that I would like to share. However, right now I'm insane. These. Kids. Are Tough. I had 4 in the office yesterday for fighting, like a huge fight, it looked like a boxing match. This morning as we were leaving for our field trip to the fair I had to take another one, and that ended up in suspension for 3 days. Whew....It's only been 22 days of school. Do you know how many social/emotional lessons I've taught this year??!! 22 formal, and a bajillion and one informal. I'm telling you it's been a year. Oh, and plus parent teacher conferences were Tuesday. In the middle of week 5. That's how we roll around here. I've also had one formal observed lesson as well, with a pre and post conference. I'm beat, but I'm not giving up on these little ones. Aside from behavior, my assessments turned out exceptionally well for the f...